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Join our leadership circle

Are you a long-time fan of the Irish Fair or veteran volunteer? Interested in getting involved with the Irish Fair at a deeper level? Want to be part of a passionate team dedicated to promoting Irish culture in fun and engaging ways? The Irish Fair is seeking to evolve and grow in a way that reflects a modern, global Ireland with an increasingly diverse population. We have multiple options available.

Manage an Area during the Fair

Area Manager giving volunteers instructions

Are you looking for leadership experience? Do you have ideas for ways an area within the Irish Fair could be more engaging or efficient? Consider joining us as an Area Manager!

Area Managers are volunteers of the Irish Fair of MN with an elevated role. In general, they participate in strategic oversight, planning, and have direct responsibility for onsite operation and tactical support throughout the entirety of the Irish Fair for their area. Specific responsibilities may include:

  • providing input on the layout of their area and supplies needed to make their area operate effectively and efficiently for volunteers and for guests
  • managing volunteers: ensuring volunteers have an excellent experience and give our guests an excellent experience
  • assigning volunteers to area-specific tasks/duties, training them on those tasks/duties, and managing breaks
  • handling guest concerns/complaints and escalating to Board Members or Security, as necessary


Many of our Area Managers started out as Irish Fair volunteers until they decided they wanted to be more involved in the planning of the Irish Fair. Being an Area Manager gives you insight into how the Irish Fair is planned and produced, as well as giving you opportunities to make a specific area more efficient and/or more engaging for our guests and volunteers. It's a good way to "see how the sausage is made" before taking the next step to joining the Board of Directors or other leadership role.


If you're interested in applying for an Area Manager position, please send a message to volunteer@irishfair.com Include the following details in your message:

  • Which position(s) you are interested in, if you are interested in a specific area. We're happy to meet with you and discuss the positions further to help you find the right fit.
  • Why you are interested in the position.
  • What skills and/or experience you bring to the role.
  • Your history with the Irish Fair of MN (e.g., former volunteer or Board member, longtime visitor). It's ok if you are new to the Irish Fair of MN!

Join the Board of Directors

We are looking to expand our Board of Directors and are actively seeking candidates with governance, marketing, fundraising, grant-writing, strategic partnership, and sponsorship experience. We welcome anyone who wants to roll up their sleeves and work with us.

As background, Irish Fair of Minnesota is a non-profit, tax exempt organization with a specific mission to promote and operate a cultural and educational festival on an annual basis. Our purpose is intended to benefit Irish cultural and other immigrant cultural charitable organizations.

Our board meets monthly (4th Tuesday) and board members should plan to be involved in at least one standing committee. Our Board is a working board, so the time commitment may vary beyond monthly Board meetings. We do ask our Board to be committed (all hands on deck) the second weekend in August (as best they can) for the Fair to provide leadership and support to the volunteers and area managers.

If you are interested, please send an email with your resume and a short cover letter with relevant details to info@irishfair.com.

Join an Operating Committee

The Irish Fair has multiple Operating Committees that plan and oversee various aspects of the Fair such as Marketing, Entertainment, Volunteers, Revenue/Fundraising/Sponsorships. We welcome members of the community with passion and skills in these areas to join these committees.

Operating Committees meet year-round as we start planning for the Fair almost as soon as the last Fair ends! We also participate in other events throughout the year that requires planning (e.g., St. Patrick's Day events, parades, social media campaigns, fundraising campaigns).

If you are interested in joining a committee, please email us at info@irishfair.com and let us know where your skills and interests lie and we'll match you with a committee!
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