Home > Get Involved > Volunteer > Volunteer at the Irish Fair of MN > Volunteer information and training

Volunteer information and training

Thank you so much for volunteering with us this year! We hope you have such a great experience that you come back and do it again next year! Here are some details pertinent to volunteering with the Irish Fair of MN in 2024.


We have a small team of people coordinating volunteers this year. You can contact us by email at volunteer@irishfair.com or at 651.615.7474. This number is able to receive and send text messages.

During the fair, please call or text us if you need an immediate response. We do our best to keep up with emails, but a response may not be immediate.

General Fair Information

Map of the fairgrounds

Visit the Event Map page.

Fair hours

Friday, 8/9 | 3:00pm - 11:00pm
Saturday, 8/10 | 10:00am - 11:00pm
Sunday, 8/11 | 10:00am - 7:00pm
*We do not allow any ticketed guests into the fairgrounds until the posted opening time.

Alcohol service hours

All alcohol service ends 30 minutes prior to closing. Some Beverage/Pub Tents may close earlier due to reduced traffic.

Food service hours

All food service ends at closing time.

Park rules

  • No coolers or outside food will be allowed in the festival.
  • No glass is allowed on park grounds.
  • Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not allowed inside the festival grounds. There are bike racks along Water Street.
  • Dogs and other pets are allowed (not encouraged, but allowed). It is not recommended to bring children or pets while you’re volunteering so you can focus on your tasks.

Lost & Found

Any items found during your shift should be given to your Area Manager. Inquiries regarding lost items should be directed to the Info/Welcome Booth.

After the conclusion of the Fair, all items from the Lost & Found are kept at the Irish Fair office. Guests who are inquiring about a lost item should email info@irishfair.com.


For information about accessibility at the Irish Fair, visit our Accessibility page.

Media Requests

Board Chair Tom Whelan and Event Manager Sarah Van Sickle are the ONLY people authorized to speak to the media on behalf of the Irish Fair. Please direct any media requests to your Area Manager.

Getting to Harriet Island

Volunteers are responsible for securing their own transportation to and from the Fair.

Getting to Harriet Island

Visit our Getting to the Fair page for information about modes of transportation to get to Harriet Island (bicycle, ride share, shuttle, etc.).
If you're volunteering for set-up on Aug. 6 - 8, note that Wabasha St. is closed at Plato Blvd. It will reopen by Aug. 9.

Drop off

Volunteer and guest drop-off is on Water Street by the Main Gate.

Volunteer parking

The Volunteer parking lot is at Drake Bank (60 Plato Blvd, St. Paul 55107). Free volunteer parking is provided for volunteers on the day of their shift only (unless otherwise advised). Parking information will be provided in an email to all registered volunteers prior to their first shift.

If you're volunteering for set-up on Aug. 6-8, you can park in the East or West Lot at Harriet Island, or along Water Street. Parking restrictions don't start until 7:00am on Friday, Aug. 9.

Volunteer shuttle

A van shuttle is provided for volunteers between the volunteer parking lot at Drake Bank and the East Gate (near Volunteer Check-in), typically every 10-15 minutes depending on traffic. Find the volunteer station at the parking lot entrance to wait for the next shuttle. If you are registered to volunteer that day, your name will be on a list provided to the shuttle service. If you are volunteering before or after the shuttle hours, your Area Manager will advise you on how to get from the volunteer parking lot to the volunteer check-in and back to the parking lot.

Volunteer shuttle hours (runs approximately every 10-15 minutes, depending on traffic):

  • Friday, 8/9 | 8:00am - 11:30pm
  • Saturday, 8/10 | 8:00am - 11:30pm
  • Sunday, 8/11: 8:00am - 9:00pm

Volunteer Check-In

When you arrive

Volunteers must check in at the Volunteer Check-in Tent every day. You will receive your t-shirt the first time you check in, and will receive your beverage ticket(s) (one per shift) and a new name tag every day. The Check-In Volunteers will tell you where to report for your shift.

Please try to arrive 30 minutes before your shift to make time for check-in and position-specific training, as well as to mitigate possible delays with the shuttle.

The Volunteer Check-In Tent is located by the East Gate. The Event Map shows exactly where it is located in relation to the rest of the fairgrounds.

If you're volunteering for set-up on Aug. 6 - 8, volunteer check-in will be located in the pavilion. You still must check in every day so you get credit for completing your shifts.

Volunteer hospitality

The Volunteer Check-in Tent doubles as the Volunteer Hospitality Tent. Feel free to rest, grab a snack or a beverage, and just hang out before or after your shift(s). We have water, soda, coffee/tea, and snacks (chips, granola bars, popcorn, treats).

What to bring

Bring only the bare necessities. Keep valuable items on your person as secure storage is not available. There may be space in your area to store a small bag, but it may not be close to you or locked away. Items to remember: your volunteer shirt, rain gear, a refillable water bottle, sun screen & sunglasses. If you intend to drink alcohol, you must bring a valid form of ID. Even volunteers have to show ID for a 21+ wristband!

Volunteer training


We will provide a video and a volunteer handbook to give you all the information you need for volunteering at the Irish Fair. These resources will be made available closer to August. We will notify volunteers when they have been posted.

Please review at least one, if not both, of these resources prior to your first shift.


We request that all volunteers attend one session of Alcohol Awareness Training, regardless of their position, to ensure everyone knows the Fair's policy for handling guests who have had a little too much to drink. This training is MANDATORY for positions that serve alcohol or check IDs, identified in the position descriptions. It is also required to be taken annually, even if you work in the hospitality industry or are ServSafe certified. If you haven't already taken the training this year, please plan on attending one of the following sessions:

Sunday, August 4 from 3:00 - 4:30pm (St. Louis Park Rec Center, Banquet Room, St. Louis Park)

Thursday, August 8 from 6:00 - 7:30pm (Guinness Pub Tent, Harriet Island/fairgrounds)

If you can't attend any of these sessions, please contact us at volunteer@irishfair.com.


Once you've checked in and reported to the area where you will be volunteering, your Area Manager will explain what you need to do for your position.

Policies, Procedures, and Expectations


Try to be on time: Arrive at the volunteer check-in booth 30 minutes prior to your shift to receive your t-shirt, name badge, and beverage ticket. You will be directed to your volunteer area from here and should check in with your Area Manager at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your shift for instructions about your tasks.

Absences: If you cannot fill your volunteer position, please let the volunteer coordinator know at least two full days in advance by email at volunteer@irishfair.com or by calling/texting 651.615.7474.

Non-discrimination policy

It is the policy of this organization that there will be no discrimination or harassment in its activities and programs based on race, color, sex, sexual preference, marital or parental status, religion, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, veteran status. Staff and volunteers need to treat all people with dignity and respect.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of everyone attending the Irish Fair is absolutely top priority. In case of sudden illness, please contact the volunteer coordinator as soon as possible, preferably 24 hours in advance, so that we can find a substitute for your position. Please do not volunteer if you are sick and/or contagious.

Serving alcohol

Attending Alcohol Awareness Training
Volunteers who serve alcohol and who check IDs must attend the Alcohol Awareness Training scheduled by the Irish Fair of MN. Certification from other organizations don't count because the Alcohol Awareness Training offered through the Irish Fair of MN includes the Irish Fair-specific policies and procedures. If this training is not completed prior to the first shift, the volunteer will be assigned to another position that doesn't handle alcohol.

Checking IDs and Handing Out Wristbands
The Irish Fair requires that volunteers check the IDs of all guests, volunteers, and anyone else looking to be served alcohol.
  • The individual must have a valid driver’s license or ID card, showing the owner's date of birth equal to or greater than 21 years of age in order to receive a wristband.
  • The identification card must not show that the guest is restricted from drinking alcohol in order to receive a wristband.
  • We reserve the right to refuse a wristband to a guest who may appear to be over 21 if they don’t have valid identification available. (The guest’s ID may list alcohol restrictions that we need to be able to see.)
  • The wristband must be worn on the individuals RIGHT wrist. (It is acceptable to put it on the left wrist only when it is impossible/unreasonable to put it on the right wrist (e.g, wearing a cast on the right wrist).

Volunteer expectations

Personal Well-Being

This is an outdoor event; as such, it poses unique challenges for volunteers and staff. Please make sure you dress appropriately for the weather. layering is best, and bring along a rain poncho in case of inclement weather.

  • Make sure to wear sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to help minimize the effects of the sun.
  • Bring a water bottle with you to your station and keep yourself hydrated throughout your shift. Refill at the water refilling station located on the north side (river side) of the marketplace. Water and other beverages are available at the Volunteer Check-in Tent.
  • If you are feeling faint or overheated, notify your Area Manager and find shade immediately.


Volunteers working multiple shifts in a row are given breaks. There are no breaks during a 4-hour shift, with the exception of restroom breaks. Please talk to your Area Manager if you have any questions or special needs.

Alcohol consumption

The beverage ticket(s) provided during check-in can be redeemed for anything except spirits (whiskey, gin, cocktails). Volunteers are NOT to consume alcohol prior to or during their working shift. Once your shift ends, you may consume alcohol, but you MUST change out of your volunteer t-shirt or turn it inside out. Volunteers must show valid ID to receive a 21+ wristband in order to consume alcohol.

Presentation and Dress Code

It is the intent of the Irish Fair to maintain high standards of quality and cleanliness. Volunteers, while on duty, are expected to be clean and to dress neatly. This type of appearance presents to fair guests our concern about cleanliness. Hair should be clean, long hair should be restrained/fastened while working, and facial hair should be clean and well-groomed. You may be asked to wear a hair net/restraint during your shift if you are handling food or beverages.

State law requires that all volunteers and staff wear shoes and shirts. Clothing should be clean and appropriate for the work required. You will receive an official Irish Fair of MN volunteer t-shirt at check-in for your first shift. This is your uniform while working your shift and must be worn as your outermost layer of clothing. One t-shirt will be given to you when you check-in for your first shift. If you are working multiple days/shifts, remember to bring your shirt with you for the subsequent days/shifts.


Volunteers who need special accommodations (e.g., needing to sit for the length of their shift or with mobility restrictions) should notify the Volunteer Coordinator in advance to ensure the position can be adapted to meet the needed accommodations.

Food safety

This is especially important for those volunteers working in food/beverage handling areas of the Irish Fair. All volunteers handling food or beverages must:

  1. Wash hands before starting the shift.
  2. Wash hands before handling food and between handling raw food/cooked food.
  3. Wash hands before handling cups when serving beverages and between handling money and cups.
  4. Where applicable, always wear plastic gloves when handling food.
Additional food safety instructions will be provided for volunteers responsible for handling food.

Code of ethics/code of conduct

As a volunteer, believing that the organization has a real need of my services, I realize that I am subject to a code of ethics/conduct similar to that which binds the paid staff of the organization.

To accomplish this service I will:

  • Be dependable, punctual, and conscientious in the fulfillment of my duties and accept supervision gracefully.
  • Remain at my post until the next shift arrives and is trained in.
  • Conduct myself with dignity, courtesy, and consideration and treat others with the same.
  • Consider as confidential all information that I may hear directly or indirectly concerning the operations of the Fair.
  • Promise to bring to my work an attitude of open-mindedness. I will be non-judgmental and willing to receive training.
  • Believe that my attitude towards volunteer work should be professional, and I will refrain from engaging in any negative conversation or complaining.
  • Not smoke or consume alcohol while on duty or while wearing my volunteer t-shirt; and I understand that an Irish Fair team member may ask me to remove my volunteer shirt if they see me engaging in these activities.
  • Be a positive member of the team and will strive to make the Fair fun for myself, my fellow volunteers, and the fair-goers. I will keep a smile and sense of humor at all times.

Signing the volunteer terms & conditions document indicates acceptance of the Code of Conduct.

Emergency & Security protocols

All security issues should be directed to Security. They will handle the emergency per the Irish Fair’s emergency plans. Harriet Island is essentially a small city during Irish Fair weekend.


There are St. Paul Police on-site during the event and uniformed security guards on-site 24/7 the entire event weekend.

First Aid

The First Aid tent is located next to the Children’s Playground, on the west side of the island. Refer to the Event Map for the exact location.


If you, another volunteer, or a guest are injured, the accident/injury should be reported to your Area Manager immediately. The Area Manager will contact security or Emergency Medical Services for appropriate medical assistance. An accident report should be filled out at the time of the incident.

If there is a medical emergency...

  1. Find the closest member of security, police or the nearest Irish Fair staff person with a radio (typically your Area Manager).
  2. Have the person with a radio contact the First Aid Team/Emergency Medical Services.
  3. Be as specific as possible about the location of the emergency.
  4. Stay with the person until the First Aid Team arrives.
  5. Provide background of medical problems or emergencies, if possible.

If there is a fire...

In the case of a fire, remain calm and do not panic. Ensure all volunteers and Fair guests are safely removed from the area and notify the closest member of security, police, or the nearest Irish Fair staff person with a radio and report the situation.

If there is a theft...

Theft or pilferage of cash or merchandise by a volunteer, staff member, or event guest is a serious offense and should be reported immediately to the closest member of security, police, or nearest Irish Fair staff person with a radio. Theft is cause for immediate removal from the grounds and event.

If there is a weather emergency...

The Police Commander is in touch with the weather service as needed. In the case of inclement weather, a public announcement will be made. We ask that all volunteers help by staying alert and following their Area Manager’s instructions.

If there is a lost child or parent...

  1. Find the closest member of security, police, or the nearest person with a radio (typically your Area Manager).
  2. Remain with the child or parent at the exact location where the lost individual is first discovered for 10 minutes.
  3. Send another person to find a police officer, a security guard, or an Irish Fair staff person who has a radio to inform all staff that there is a missing child or parent and their location.
  4. If the individual is not reunited with the parent/guardian or family after 10 minutes, the individual should be relocated to the First Aid tent at which point police will be in charge.
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